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The Cuban Nation newspaper. Founded in 1999
Miami-Dade County, Florida - USA. 
Director: Lic. Pedro González-Munné
Editorial Board  Archives  Columnists   Editorials
Since 1999 - Offices in Little Havana, Florida, USA
The newspaper of the Cuban American community 
in the United States and Puerto Rico.
Year 18, Vol. 20, No. 191 - June 6, 2017
Columns, Poems, Statements, Letters & messages from The Five, printed in 
The Cuban Nation (Spanish)
Russia, Cuba, Comey and Trump
Moving pieces:
Offices of The Cuban Nation- Miami, FL USA - Contact us
Links from Havana
Reflections             Speeches        Correo Magazine
Travel to Cuba today
Daily Flights to Havana
Legal and simple
Resets every 9,999
Huffington Post, CA
Russia, Cuba, Comey, and Trump
Trump's Hypocrisy
Journal Star, IL
Editorial: Cuba craziness
Observer, NY
Why You Need to Go to the island Now
Gephar Daily, UT
Island game changer: Australian oil company says
Xinhua, China
170th anniversary of Chinese presence, UK
Can ocean science bring countries together?
Travel and Leisure, NY
If Havana is on your bucket list, book it while you still can
San Diego Reader, CA
Another side of Havana
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